Fifty-first Legislature                                                 CORRECTED

First Regular Session                                                   2/26/2013

                                                        Page 2, lines 3 through 7





(Reference to printed bill)


Page 3, line 14, strike "Except in the case of an emergency," insert "Except in the case of an emergency,"

Line 21, strike "The county"; strike lines 22 through 31, insert "The county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall post on its website at least two weeks before election day a list of those polling places in which emergency conditions prevent electioneering and shall specify the reason the emergency exemption designation was granted and the number of attempts that were made to find a polling place before granting an emergency designation.  If the polling place is not on the website list of polling places with emergency conditions designations, electioneering and other political activity shall be permitted outside of the seventy‑five foot limit. If an emergency arises after the county recorder's recorder or other officer in charge of elections' initial website posting, the county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall update the website as soon as is practicable to include any new polling places, shall highlight the polling place location on the website and shall specify the reason the emergency exemption designation was granted and the number of attempts that were made to find a polling place before granting an emergency designation.

I.  for the purposes of this section, a county recorder or other officer in charge of elections shall designate a polling place as an emergency polling place and thus prohibit persons from electioneering and engaging in other political activity outside of the seventy-five foot limit prescribed by section 16‑515 but inside the property of the facility that is hosting the polling place if any of the following occurs:

1.  an act of god renders a previously set polling place as unusable.

2.  a county recorder or other officer in charge of elections has exhausted all options and there are no suitable facilities in a precinct that are willing to be a polling place unless a facility can be given an emergency designation."

Reletter to conform

Page 6, Line 24, before "Notwithstanding" insert "A."

After line 26, insert:

"B.  For any city or town whose alternate expenditure limit expires in the spring of 2014, the penalties specified in section 41-1279.07, Arizona Revised Statutes, shall not apply in fiscal year 2015 provided the city or town seeks voter approval of an alternative expenditure limit in the fall of 2014."

Amend title to conform

and, as so amended, it do pass


                                                MICHELLE UGENTI





